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Reem Fahmawi

Master Student

I hold a dual B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering and Biology with a neuroscience emphasis from Tel Aviv University.
This program equips me with a solid foundation to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications. I'm practically interested in developing innovative medical devices and technologies that can directly impact the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
In addition, I bring over 2 years of experience in Software Quality Assurance at Medtronic. My role involved testing a platform integrating advanced surgical planning software, spine robotic guidance, and navigation.

Ben's lab piqued my interest in innovative biomedical research, particularly organ-on-a-chip. The lab's work aligns perfectly with my aspirations to advance studying complex human systems using cutting-edge approaches.

My undergraduate research in neuroscience at Ben's lab focused on establishing a controllable and contactless in vitro burn induction device that enables the exploration of cellular pathways influenced by the PNS during wound healing. My engineering project aimed to find an affordable and biocompatible hydrogel formula for 3D bioprinting of skin tissues. In addition, to develop an automated platform utilizing linear stage motors to generate localized in-vitro injuries.
My master's research will focus on the role of glucose following traumatic brain injury.

I'm more inclined towards embracing opportunities as they arise rather than setting long-term plans. Possibly, you might cross paths with me in Germany one day.

Besides my job at the lab, I enjoy watching Formula 1, swimming, and spending time with my family.

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