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Michal Levin

Bachelor Student

Hi! I'm Michal ,a fourth year undergraduate student in biomedical engineering, majoring in signal processing. I'm also enrolled in a special program for humanities studies for engineers, there I focus mostly on east-asian studies and history. In the army I served as an electronics technician in the air force Flight Test Center, where I met my partner. During the past 1.5 years I worked in a lab in the life sciences faculty, where my job was protein purification from bacteria.

When searching for a lab in which I will do my project, it was important for me that the lab will have a variety of interests and projects, so I can experience, or take a look at, a little bit of everything. Ben's lab answers this criterion, and along with a friendly and supporting environment, I can safely say that I made a good choise.

My final project with my partner Maya Sade and it focuses on Heart on a Chip technology. We are making a platform that mimics the mechanics and Electrophysiology of the heart. our model combines Hydrogels with magnetic particles, electrical devices, and computerised models of our platform.

My next step in life is to pursue my engineering career in the industry. There a lot of fields in biomedics that are of great interest to me, but my preference is to be involved in a company which will help make Israel's health care system more efficient.

I enjoy anything that involves hand-craft: gardening, baking, building etc.I love traveling with my partner (best travel team ever) and making memories with my friends.

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